Randomly Dropped Matches
This little quartet was painted consecutively with the idea of them being framed together as a single work. Rather than artfully arranging the matches I wanted to try a random approach, and for each new arrangement I picked up the same matches, all with their heads upwards and held them about an inch above the surface, before dropping them. I didn't cheat and re-drop them or rearrange them. I did however, allow myself the liberty of framing them visually in my compositions, so that some outlying matches were omitted as they would not have fit my small square format. I am fascinated by the nature of randomness, and the way that following a few simple set parameters in a process can create patterns and a kind of order. I was also aware of the similarities of dropping sticks or other objects - dice or cards for example - to divine fortunes, As in the I Ching
This little quartet was painted consecutively with the idea of them being framed together as a single work. Rather than artfully arranging the matches I wanted to try a random approach, and for each new arrangement I picked up the same matches, all with their heads upwards and held them about an inch above the surface, before dropping them. I didn't cheat and re-drop them or rearrange them. I did however, allow myself the liberty of framing them visually in my compositions, so that some outlying matches were omitted as they would not have fit my small square format. I am fascinated by the nature of randomness, and the way that following a few simple set parameters in a process can create patterns and a kind of order. I was also aware of the similarities of dropping sticks or other objects - dice or cards for example - to divine fortunes, As in the I Ching