Small postcard and postage stamp sized paintings from New Zealand artist Paul Hutchinson
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Small Apple
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Quick Big Apple

Quick Big Apple
Oil on paper
soldOne of the reasons I started this project was an attempt to get away from my obsessive dendency to overwork paintings. It seems to be quite a stumbling block for most artists. There are no hard and fast rules and no right or wrong answers. It's one of those thorny problems that actually gets more prickly the more skillfull you get. I've heard it said that skill is the enemy of art. The more skillfull and sophisticated your craft, the further you can potentially take a painting. The further you take a painting the more risk you have of loosing that initial vision. I'm sure that I will no doubt wrestle with this conundrum for the rest of my life! So with this painting, I just decided to paint it as quickly as I could and without thinking too much. I put on a music cd and told myself that I had to stop painting when the cd was finished. I cheated by about five minutes..! It's not a particularly good painting but it was an interesting excersise non-the-less.
Dirty Green Frog

Dirty Green Frog
Oil on linen mounted on MDF
Oil on linen mounted on MDF
I found this little frog on the beach sand dunes by a natural lagoon where I take my daily walk. I have read that there is concern that frogs are dying in record numbers around the world. New Zealand has a "clean green" image, but a large part of that green is due to all the tons of phosphate the farmers dump on the land in order to graze more stock per acre. I saw a recent news artcle where it was reported that there has been an outbreak of cows dying from phosphate poisoning here in Taranaki. It was reported as though this was an unfortunate act of Nature rather than the stupidity and greed of Man.
It occurred to me that I had painted my frog in as though in a desert.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Orange Funnel

Orange Funnel
Oil on gessoed board
Oil on gessoed board
For purchase info click here
I was attracted by the bold colour and strong compositional qualities of this subject matter. A deceptively simple and easy subject, but as usual for me, it seemed to take ages before I was satisfied. Even then, it was a begrudging kind of "satisfaction".
Monday, July 16, 2007
One Banana on Wooden Block

One Banana on Wooden Block
Oil on gessoed board
Oil on gessoed board
For purchase info click here
Ok, I'm going bananas! I did this several days ago and then forgot to blog it. Better late than never.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Six Inch Rule

Six Inch Rule
Oil on gessoed board
Oil on gessoed board
click here for purchase info
It was the simplicity of the subject that attracted me to this one and I tryed to paint it simply. I resisted the temptation to paint the measurements millimetre by millimetre!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Ballerina Bottleneck
Oil on linen on MDF board
This was one of those images that I've been thinking about for a long time. The pink ballerina is actually I think one of those novelty erasers that my daughter collected when she was a little girl. On a whim I had stuck it in this little bottle and the image resonated with me. As is usually the way with me, I put off actually painting it at that time and it's been sitting on my studio shelf for months now. I probably put off certian paintings because I realise they have a certain power and potential and as soon as I commit them to canvas that potential is dissapated. This painting was no exception. It feels like a missed opportunity. Often the paintings that I'm most happy with are the ones I have no expectations for. And that was one of the reasons I started this painting a day project. It's been a great relief for me to just paint simple uncomplicated subjects that require little thought. Kind of like a much needed holiday!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Mouldy Mandarin

Mouldy Mandarin
Oil on linen on MDF board
Oil on linen on MDF board
I ummed and ahhed over whether to paint this subject. The mandarin had been lying around for a few days in the studio. I'd intended painting it but for one reason or another never got around to it. Eventually, it got this realy interesting growth of mould spores on it, I knew it would be difficult to paint convincingly, and it was! Oh well. You've got to try these things... I can see little point in always sticking to safe and easy things to paint.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Oil on linen mounted on MDF board
Oil on linen mounted on MDF board
My origninal intention was simply to paint a single match burned down to the quick. So I was burning matches to get a good one without burning my fingers too much. Easier said than done! I eventually got one and just happened to place it randomly next to a previous attempt, and in so doing got the idea for this. They looked to me like brackets or parenthesis. I find that this sort of thing happens quite often - I end up painting a totally different idea to the one I set out to paint.
Wikipedia defines parenthesis as: Parentheses (singular parenthesis)—sometimes called round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or just brackets; or, colloquially, parens, or fingernails—are used to contain parenthetical (or optional, additional) material in a sentence that could be removed without destroying the meaning of the main text.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Purple Starfish
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