Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Lost Button

The Lost Button

Oil on Ivory Piano Key

When I decided to paint this subject I remembered some old ivory piano keys I'd been given. I had been meaning to try them as a painting support for a while and thought this would be an ideal opportunity. Miniatures have long been traditionally painted on ivory. I must admit feeling a bit guilty about the long deceased elephant, but it is a wonderful material to work with. I painted directly onto the ivory after sanding and cleaning it, and left the ivory showing through within the actual button. It was quite a test for my aging eyesight this one..! The photo is larger than life size.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    We exchanged Links awhile back and I wanted to check in on all the blogs which I have links and see if they are still active. I'm glad to see that you are still writing and painting.

    Good for you! I've always enjoyed your blog!

    I am getting near the end of my daily painting commitment ( just 90 more days) of one painting a day for 365 days but will continue to paint everyday, just not posting all of them.

    Right now I have a painting on the Saatchi showdown and would like to ask you if you can take a few minutes to vote for me.. (Its kinda like American Idol for Artists)

    or my painting rather.. here is the link, it only takes a minute or two


    Thanks Again
    Shanti Marie
